Our Classes
We will normally start with Body Art, then move onto weapons training with either Bokken ( Sword) or Jo ( Spear). Zazen ( meditation) and Iaido ( Drawing the sword) are also practiced as the schedule permits. We are a small friendly group and are happy to welcome complete beginners.
Mat Fees
Each training session of 2 hours is charged at £8.00 waged and £6.00 unwaged. Annual Dojo Memberships payment of £40.00 is required after the first 4 sessions of training (£30 unwaged). This includes your insurance premium and also provides membership of the British Birankai.
Classes Monday 6:30-8:30 Thursday 6:30-8:00
Come along and try it out.
When you first come you can wear loose clothing. Aikido is more phsycially demanding that it looks despite having no competitions or bouts. Our key advice is to stick it out and once you have started to learn how to roll and recieve techinque from your partner you will enjoy its dynamic nature.