Privacy Impact Notice

This privacy impact notice defines how the Ledbury Aikido on behalf of British Birankai collect, process, and transfer personal data. Data processing is led by the Ledbury Aikido DPO who can be contact via email if you wish to submit a subject access request or exercise any of your personal data rights.

Why we collect personal data

  1. A legal obligation defined by our insurer to keep a register of active members.

  2. To ensure member safety we retain a register of members, emergency contacts and other demographic information. Any special data groups are anonymised.

  3. Data relevant to event attendance to keep members informed about event logistics and collect emergency contact data.

  4. Requested by the Aikikai Foundation who require data for grade registration. All these are core functions of the British Birankai to ensure members are protected and allow us to provide internationally recognised grades as laid down in our constitution. We may also process your data for organisational planning. This will not be shared with any third party.

Where we collect your data:

The British Birankai will collect personal data via membership applications, tickets for events and grading forms.

Who controls personal data?

All controllers and processors are British Birankai members with the exception of third parties identified below.

Data transfers and third parties

There are three third parties to whom may process data:

  1. Annual membership data will be shared with our governing body, the JAC who are legally obliged to keep a register of members for insurance purposes.

  2. Grading candidate data may be shared with the Aikikai Foundation in Tokyo who register grading applications and issue certificates.

  3. We will transfer email addresses to a third-party mail and marketing tool (MailChimp) for members who consent to receive notifications during annual membership.

How long do we retain data for?

Personal data of members is kept while membership is active, members who leave the British Birankai will have their data retained for a maximum of ten years. This allows us to look at trends in membership, joiners, and leavers. The only automatic profiling of data leveraged by the British Birankai is within the ticket platform, where we may partition members to receive information about specific attributes of an event.